Shirley Basin Ski Area is OPEN for 2024-25 skiing and snowboarding!

Current operating dates are dependent on snow conditions.

Lifts operate FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY from 9 AM-4PM.

Rentals, lessons, and hot dogs are available during those times as well provided we have staff and/or electricity.

We’re easy to find!

Shirley Basin Ski Area is located 42 miles south of the booming megalopolis of Casper, Wyoming on Highway 487. From 487, turn onto Shirley Basin Ski Area Road and follow signs for Shirley Basin Ski Area to our parking-lot-in-progress! If you end up at a stock pond, you’ve gone too far! You can’t miss us!

Note: GPS will not be helpful in locating SBSA as it’s a little spotty in our neck o’ the woods!

Contact us.

250 Shirley Basin Ski Area Road
Highway 487
Casper, WY 82601